supporting causes + organizations in our local community

give. back

Through our give. back program, we’re able to support non-profit organizations and local causes that are truly committed to changing lives in our community. Our program includes monthly partnerships, as well as individual donations to organizations that matter most to YOU.

Planned Monthly Partnerships - 2025

At the beginning of each year we establish a giving plan and designate one organization each month to receive a percentage of give. sales as a single cash donation.

January – Special Olympics Iowa
April – Iowa Donor Network
May – NAMI
August – ChildServe Iowa
September – Everybody Wins Iowa
October – S.A.F.E Center Iowa

December – Every Step Iowa

Individual Requests from our give. Friends

In addition to our monthly partnerships, we receive numerous requests for donations to 501(c)3 organizations and special events that are important to YOU. We now offer a donation < a custom “intention” candle + give. gift card> for qualifying organizations.

Want to request support? Simply complete our Donation Application Form, and we'll connect with you within 7 business days to discuss your request.